"I cosponsored @cathymcmorris' bill, the American Energy Independence From Russia Act. This bill will promote American energy jobs, production, & exports, it will help cripple Russia & Putins economy, and it will lower energy costs for American consumers. kustoff.house.gov/media/press-re"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Kustoff:
"I joined @MarshaBlackburn, @SenatorHagerty, and the entire TN delegation in sending a letter to @JoeBiden urging him to approve @GovBillLee's request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Tennessee in the wake of the severe winter storms that occurred in February."Read on Twitter
"I met with advocates from the @ParentProjectMD, including Jennifer Beebe from Madison Co. We discussed ways we can work together to ensure individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy receive the essential care they need. I appreciate you sharing your stories with me!"Read on Twitter
"Good school nutrition is vital for childrens growth & development. Thank you to Lisa Seiber-Garland, Vickie Dunaway, & their families from West TN for discussing w/ me how the rising cost of goods impacts their work and how we can work together to ensure no child is left unfed."Read on Twitter