"I cosponsored @RepRichHudson and @RepSpartz's bill, The American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act. This bill will fast track American ammunition to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy asked for more ammunition, and it is vital that the United States quickly answer his call."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Kustoff:
"Thank you to the @AgRetailers for taking the time to meet with me this week. We discussed how we can address various issues impacting the agricultural industry."Read on Twitter
"The CPI, which measures the price of goods and services, increased 7.9% over the past year. This is a 40-year high! Inflation is skyrocketing and the American people are hurting under @JoeBiden's economic policies. cnbc.com/2022/03/10/cpi"Read on Twitter
"I cosponsored @cathymcmorris' bill, the American Energy Independence From Russia Act. This bill will promote American energy jobs, production, & exports, it will help cripple Russia & Putins economy, and it will lower energy costs for American consumers. kustoff.house.gov/media/press-re" on March 9Read on Twitter