"Skyrocketing gas prices will now cost the average American household an extra $2,000 per year. We must increase our domestic production to reduce the energy costs that Americans are facing.cbsnews.com/news/gas-price"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Kustoff:
"Every Sunday, I put out a newsletter to update you on the work I am doing in Washington and back home in West Tennessee. If you would like to receive these updates, sign up here: kustoff.house.gov/htbin/formproc" on March 19Read on Twitter
"Congressman Don Young was a dedicated public servant who led with strength and conviction during his 49 years in the House of Representatives. Roberta and I are thinking of his wife-Anne, family, friends, and the people of Alaska at this time. foxnews.com/politics/alask" on March 19Read on Twitter
"The national average for a gallon of gas reached $4.28 on Thursday. We must make America energy independent again, and lower prices at the pump for all Americans." on March 18Read on Twitter